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Old 07-08-2015, 07:22 PM   #35 (permalink)
sheepdog 44
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Salt Lake valley Utah
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The Eagle has landed!!! Ecm enabler is up and running, no IMA or CEL codes on the dash. Ima battery, mcm, bcm have successfully been deleted. This is now a 100% internal combustion engine Honda Insight, "batteries-not-included."

There are 3 giveaways that the Ecm Enabler is present. 1, CEL turns off after 1 second when dash is lit to secondary key position. It should stay lit for about 15 seconds and turn off to show emmissions system is ready, or if the 12 volt was just disconnected it should blink a couple times to indicate it is not ready. 2, When you short the obdII with a paper clip to read blink codes, the CEL stays lit, but does not blink to indicate any codes. 3, Battery gauge is empty, will not assist or regen.

This is a momentous occasion! I haven't driven it yet, tomorrow i'll register her and see if she passes Inspection! Would anybody like to temporarily loan me an OBDIIC&C Gauge to test for leanburn among other things and document how the Ecm Enabler affects the car? I live in Pittsfield MA, USA. I'd be willing to put down a refundable deposit for it's return.

Notes: Peter sent me two versions of the code, the correct version appears to be "ECMFooler12F1822_080215.HEX" at 2.26kb vs "100215" at 2.44kb. Version "100215" turned off the IMA light but gave me CEL 69 and 36; basically saying MCM could not be communicated with (unplugged).
I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.
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