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Old 07-09-2015, 06:40 PM   #39 (permalink)
sheepdog 44
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Salt Lake valley Utah
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Bad news first: There's a problem. After about 11 miles of driving the CEL comes on with blink code 69. CEL stays on, IMA light stays off. At that point the engine stops behaving smoothly. It's like it loses a little power or there's hesitation between throttle application. Uncertain, but the brake light on the dash could be related. It came on momentarily when i lugged the engine (stalled, or to high a gear), or i believe when i revved about 3k-rpm out of gear. Currently brake light is on, will not turn off. Brake light does not flash a blink code. Momentarily goes off while obdII is shorted to give blink codes. Battery dash light has never come on so far.

I was driving it well during the 3rd attempt at 11 or so miles. It came on at a nice steady cruising speed.

I don't know the sub code, but CEL blink code 69 refers to either (P1600, P1601, P1644 and P1645). All related to the MCM which the Ecm Enabler replaces in the car.

I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.
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