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Old 07-28-2008, 11:47 PM   #30 (permalink)
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I agree that this is a place for for sharing helpful information. It is dubious at best that adding acetone to your fuel will improve mileage however. Furthermore the fact that it degrades rubber and plastic parts in fuel systems presents safety issues.

To the implications that I have been closed minded about things I will counter that I have asked proponents about what mechanism adding acetone improves mileage. So far they have put forward it lowers surface tension, it causes fuel to burn more completely, and it seals the rings better preventing fuel from slipping past them. Each of these I have researched and posted arguments backed with data that have not been refuted. If I were being closed minded I would not have expended the effort to research it.

As for coming off as being harsh and nasty in my last post it was just an aggressive response to a passive aggressive attempt to make false assertions and misrepresent facts. I do admit that my proposed alternate Mythbusters quote was flippant and facetious.

And now to respond to the most recent proposed theories....

I will admit acetone has some detergent properties. However this would not explain why acetone proponents claim that any improvements cease when they don't add it at the next fill up. Their engine's valves, injectors, and carburetor don't get dirty that quickly. Also there are much better detergents that don't attack rubber and plastic.

As far as acetone neutralizing water in gasoline acting like dry heat I put forth the following. Adding dry heat only allows more water to be absorbed as part of the solution of fuel rather than in its pure form. It does not allow the water to contribute to combustion. The net effect of a given amount of water per tank full introduced in either way only reduces fuel economy to the extent of the amount of fuel it displaces. (refer to page 3)

Drinking 1/3785th of a gallon of arsenic is just as toxic as drinking 1/3785th a gallon of arsenic with 3784/3785th a gallon of water. It does not alter the chemical make up of the water or make the water itself toxic. Other than diluting the energy content much like water does, what chemical does it change it too if acetone alters the chemical content of gasoline ?