My £2000 ($300) Octavia comes equipped with the ability to upload revisions to the map in the ECU of the car.
This is the first car I have owned that has had such a function.
Freeware software is available online that allows you to alter the values that map the following criteria:
Driver's Wish (this controls the max fueling at given throttle pedal input %)
Boost Target (Maps the requested boost level from the turbo for a given RPM/Fuel volume)
Smoke Limiter (Controls volume of fuel based on air volume and RPM)
Torque Limiter (Sets fuel volume limits based on RPM)
In essence then, I have the ability to raise /lower fueling levels and boost levels on a fairly granular basis.
The output is available via the "View performance" function:
I'm wondering whether it would be possible to alter the fueling and boost settings to maximise economy?
Initial thoughts would be around improving the torque in the lower revrange and a leaning off of fueling at cruise RPM (circa 2000-2500rpm).
I'd appreciate your thoughts on what (if anything) could be achieved!