We ran. Left in light rain. About 30 miles in the goddess of rain must have been laughing at us as it poured . Firefly's ignition got wet and the next 5 miles, felt like forever, as the pack disappeared. The rain let up as i sputtered hoping far the bike to start running well again. At a constction site i was able to almost catch the gang. Then she stalled and i pulled over a few feet fom the bridge . The sweep and Virginia tech trailer pulled over thinking we were done. Me too. I tried the starter one more time and she sputtered to life. I bounced off an orange traffic barrel and back on the road. In a mile or so she started to run better and the gang was stopped by several traffic lights. Finished the race we did! The museum was great and Craig gave a great talk on the Triumph hurricane. The ride back was uneventful. Firefly pulled 60mpg. Not what i hoped but she wasn't on the trailer! The cbr 250 guys are the up and comers pulling close to 100 unfaired. The vetter ninjas are still the ones to beat. .8 gallons! I used 2.3! Ill upload some pics when i get to a computer.
Last edited by rustygirl; 07-13-2015 at 09:18 PM..