Edit: 7/17/15 Finally Some Results
Ok, time for some results. I have very limited spare time and thus am unable to devote the time to do ABA testing so if you have read my other posts you know I look for changes over the course of tanks. I realize this is less scientific of a method, but it is all I got. To keep from unduely skewing results I usually put comments in my fuel log when a tank is very different than my usual routine, so that I can leave it out of any comparisons. These tanks are all everyday driving, none of these tanks are “perfect” by any stretch of the imagination.
I pulled data from my fuel log from about a month back, and threw out the fan changeover tanks (7/12) and two tanks because one was from a different pump (7/1) and then the other was using different fuel (7/6). All fills used below are the same gas station and same pump, and I ended up with seven mechanical fan tanks and three electric fan tanks. They are in my fuel log, but I copied them below.
Mechanical Fan
Date_____ Miles Gallons
6/10/2015 210.600 7.382
6/11/2015 148.512 5.044
6/15/2015 294.008 10.902
6/17/2015 245.752 8.684
6/22/2015 486.304 18.108
6/25/2015 293.280 10.44
7/09/2015 385.216 13.55
Total:___ 2063.672 74.11
Electric Fan
Date_____ Miles Gallons
7/14/2015 105.352 3.413
7/15/2015 185.016 6.411
7/17/2015 179.088 6.269
Total:___ 469.456 16.093
So dividing these figures out, this indicates the mechanical fan averaged me 27.846 MPG and the electric fan averaged me 29.171 MPG, or a 1.3 MPG or 4.76% improvement. This was roughly what I was expecting prior to the swap, so I am happy with the results. I will continue to monitor my MPG over the next few weeks; however I may be making some other changes to my truck in the near future.
I hope everyone enjoyed the read, and if you have any questions post them up.