So I removed the upper and the lower grille block (yellow tape), I was needing the a/c more than the fuel mileage at this point as we are seeing temperatures in the low to mid 90's here in Missouri, and have had to run on defrost so that the windshield would stay clear due to all the rain we have been having in the Ozarks, I think I have crossed the low water slab about 5 or 6 times in the last 6 weeks, (short way to work and lower speeds).
I have been going the (northern) route on the high side of the waters, which entails 55 miles to get to work after dropping the kids off at the sitter and 55 miles home vs 40 miles round trip.
On a good note, we have to select a new Sherriff so I will have plenty of coroplast heading my way (Hopes all of it).