Car mfgr: Scion
Car model/body style: TC Coupe
Year: 2006
Engine size (displacement/cyl): 2.4 Ltr.
Transmission type (auto/manual): Auto
MPG info (averages only)
MPG before hypermiling: 31 @ 65MPH (28 @ 75MPH) (25 @ 65MPH towing my boat)

MPG currently achieved: 38 @ 55MPH
Location of primary driving (country/state): Temecula, CA to San Diego, CA and back every Monday through Friday
Miles driven per year: 39000ish
List all tools/techniques used to achieve current MPG: 55MPH @ 2100 RPMs on the hwy using cruise control - coast down every hill I can, sometimes with the engine off if it feels safe to do so - coast to stop lights with engine off - turn off engine at long lights - close all windows & sunroof while @ 55MPH - don't use the AC..yet - tires are at recommended pressure - car is stock except for trailer hitch and fog lights