Originally Posted by BabyDiesel
Quite a bit going on guys!
First, my job has taken up nearly all my time Monday through Thursday. No time to mod the car, and am too tired to do so when I get home!
I have had my 3rd 49 mpg fill in 3 weeks today. I cannot break 50 to save my own life... 49.7, 49.5 & 49.37 have been the figures. This makes me happily disappointed... Can't get 50 mpg, but am getting better fuel economy than my bossman's 3rd Gen. Prius
Lean burn will happen in exactly 1 month! That will mark one year since I started Ecomodder seriously, and what better way to celebrate than to install a mod that increased the past user's mpg by over 25%?
I will be gone for the next week on a mission trip in Eastern Kentucky. I am not taking the Ecoscort, but it will be getting painted by my brother while I am gone! There is no phone service up there, so I will not be on any during that time.
Happy ecomodding guys!
I totally understand the work thing.
I was hoping to be way further along with project then I am by now.
I can't wait to see your lean burn mod up and running. It should be really interesting!!!