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Old 07-26-2015, 07:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Antwerp (Belgium)
Posts: 272

SUVcruiser - '07 Ssangyong Kyron 2.0 XDI
90 day: 42.55 mpg (US)

SUVcruiser year 2017 - '07 Ssangyong Kyron 2.0XDI
90 day: 42.55 mpg (US)

Hybridcruiser 2023 - '13 Volvo V60 D6 AWD
90 day: 123.84 mpg (US)
Thanks: 10
Thanked 64 Times in 51 Posts
Extreme/expensive mods to gain milage in (turbo)diesels


I was thinking of the following mods. And need some advise/user expirience.

- Installing LPG injection in a turbo diesel.
Costs is around 2000 to 2500 euro's.
Payback time is somewhere between 100 000km and 250 000km

- waterinjection: injectin water under high pressure trough nozzle in the intake air stream.
Wear of the engine?
How much injectin?
How big of a tank?

- I drive a lot on highway. And went from 6l/100km with constant trotle. Tot 5,5l/100km with puls and glide.
Now i was thinking. If we design some sort of electronic circuit that would change the combustion cycle.

Normal cycle of the engine is 2 revolutions for each combustion. If we design it this way. It would be 4 revolutions 1 combistion. So we hack in to the injectir signal with elecronics to block 1 combustion cycle and let the next one trough.
Expecting to drive on 2 cilinders on the highway wen the revs are high (above 2000rpm) and continiuesly change the cilinders that are inactive. So the entire engine keeps balanced in heath.

And so on

Other mods to do?

Drive smart, save fuel, save money, spare the enviroment

But keep having fun!
I can drift

Previous car. SUV. From 2011+ 10l/100km to 2017 5,516l/100km.
2017 without holiday: 5,397l/100km
EPA Rated average: 8,1l/100km

Current ride: plug in 285hp hybrid
EPA Rated average: 2,8l/100km

Last edited by TimV; 07-26-2015 at 07:40 PM..
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