Ive got an offer of 2700 euro installation all in.
At the fuel prices of the moment, it will be arround 300 000km to have a pay back.
But the prices are going up the comming few years, so payback arround 150 000 a 250 000km. (depending on fuel prices)
When the fuel prices of diesel is equal of benzine, then it would be somewhere arround 100 000 to 150 000km
I drive arround 21 000km a year.
So payback time is little to long when the installation is this expensive!
Drive smart, save fuel, save money, spare the enviroment
But keep having fun!
I can drift

Previous car. SUV. From 2011 + 10l/100km to 2017 5,516l/100km.
2017 without holiday: 5,397l/100km
EPA Rated average: 8,1l/100km
Current ride: plug in 285hp hybrid
EPA Rated average: 2,8l/100km