Great site based on the few hundred posts I've read. Will likely get better with more reading.
Until a few years ago watching my mileage was a non-issue and my round-trip commute was 4 miles. But now my commute is 150/day. Fortunately it's near all highway/freeway and mostly flat (two hills <400' each).
I really like my current car, a Mercedes E550, which is paid for and fits our other family needs well. My overall MPG for the past 23,000 miles has been 28.0 based on the car's computer which I have found to be very accurate as I fill up every 3.5 days or so between 500-550 miles and take on 18-20 gallons. I routinely crack off 30-32 MPG on my way to work. Not bad for a 4,000# vehicle with 380hp.
It's took me the last 3,000 miles to get that last tenth MPG bump so I don't think there is much left to get out of the car if left to my own devices. That's why I'm here!