Fase one of the airdam is now ready. My first idea of fastening the aluminium strip would.nt work because of some extrusions on the inside of the bumper. So i tought of some new way.
I made a smal angled piece of alu to screw behind the bumper on 5 places. I made the one afther the other. So to place them nicely. I could get the alu piece nice and flush with the underside of the bumper edge. Then i cut them off at about 2/3 of the tire.
I now only have a small potion of the suspention sticking out under the airdam
At fase 2 (when i get my plastics) i will make a nice piece at the back of the alu strip. Witch will also fill up the space in front of the tire. I will let it down another 3 to 4 cm. To get a total of 6 to 7cm of airdam height.
At this point i really like the overal view. But the bumper, alu airdam strip and the grill block plus more of the car will be painted black. But i think i would look really nice then.
Now wait for the plastic to come in