Originally Posted by freebeard
What about the rounded tail of the Schlorwagen/Volkhart-Saggita/Dymaxion compared to the sharp pointy object that it The Template? Better to truncate it like the Cobra Dayton coupe?
The Template sorta predicts the separation off the back of the Schl'o'rwagen
In the wind tunnel we see that the flow doesn't necessarily adhere to the back of the roofline
In the closeup we see how the flow is lost down the roofline.
Kamm would have us loft the roofline up to at least the Buchheim et al. contour and then chop it off if we wanted the same length.
For the Volkshart Saggita it's the same story
The flow separates just like the Beetle's,above the backlight.
The Dymaxion Car has a more correct roofline,but the nose is all wrong.Bucky let too much air have access to the underbody and nothing is done to shield the wheels
With the Cobra Daytona Coupe,they've angled the truncation which allows a torque moment to be produced from the low base pressure riding under and forward of the rear spoiler location,enhancing downforce at the sake of drag.