General info
Car mfgr: Toyota
Car model/body style: Echo 4dr
Year: 2000
Engine size (displacement/cyl): 1.5L/4 cyl
Transmission type (auto/manual): manual 5
MPG info (averages only)
MPG before hypermiling: 40
MPG currently achieved: 50
Location of primary driving (country/state): VT/NH
Miles driven per year: 7500
List all tools/techniques used to achieve current MPG: drive on slower roads, shift 1-3-5 while accelerating, shift into 5th at 25mph when not climbing hills, neutral coasting down hills, SGII, leave the AC off most of the time, keeping tires inflated. One negative is that I'm currently wearing out a set of snow tires.
With all the hills around here, where I'm driving makes a big difference. I basically use my car to drive to work, to a farm to pick up milk once a week, and to the dump on weekends. Out to the farm and back I average about 58mpg, commuting was 48 there and 51 back (my company moved to a new location last week and I haven't yet done a "normal" commute to the new location), and somewhat lower going out to the dump (around 45, I think).
I've used the SGII to determine that I can shift into 5th at 25mph, and that I do the best between 35 and 45mph, so I try to stay in that range when I can.
