I've got a phone holder mounted in the left center dash vent. Just like any other instrument, it's in the corner of my eye. If it pops up with an alert or something bad scrolls onto the screen I'll spot it without trying- just like with a tach or a speedomoter, you don't have to study it to get useful information from it.
When I glance at the map I've still got the road in sight, just like when I glance at the gas gauge or anything else- like my UltraGauge that's taking up a bit of dead space in front of the cluster. It's been a few years now, and even around home I feel a bit uncomfortable if the map isn't there on the dash.
Originally Posted by sheepdog44
Transmission type Efficiency
Manual neutral engine off.100% @∞MPG <----- Fun Fact.
Manual 1:1 gear ratio .......98%
CVT belt ............................88%
Automatic .........................86%