Reading about Vekke’s A8 1.2 tdi got me browsing through spritmonitor site to see fuel consumption figures that car users report. I’m not happy that my consumption average with the A2 has been 68.2 mpg (US), (3.4 L/100 km), and in comparison the best reported lifetime average is 89.0 mpg (US) (2.64 L/100 km)
Übersicht: Audi - A2 -
This far I’ve only made small mods to the car, and I guess it’s time to stop whining and stop being lazy on my part. Hopefully I will be having the time to make modifications to the car and other things in life won’t interfer to much.
On the mechanical side I think the engine is not reaching operating temperature and the stock temp gauge is useless in showing temperature. It is digital and points always at 90 deg C. I just ordered a scangauge to be able to monitor temperatures better. The intercooler air flow is blocked at the moment, and it might cause some trouble that I’m not aware of. Might be that the ECU is correcting for high intake temps by increasing fueling. Also the wheel angles need to be checked with real equipment.
The aerodynamic side is more interesting. Luckily the A2 has been part of many aerodynamic studies, so I won’t need to guess how much each modification affects drag.
A table with the same modifications tested in two different wind tunnels, S2A and MIRA.
Source: Sustainable Vehicle Technologies (IMechE, Woodhead Publishing)
A picture of the standard and final configuration. Same source as above.
What was interesting according to the source:
“One unusual feature of the A2 was the negligible drag reduction resulting from reduced ground clearance. There is an almost universal ‘rule of thumb’ which states that drag coefficient increases by ΔCd = 0.004 for every 10 mm of ride height. This rule did not apply to the A2”
“Although some effort was spent modifying the upper body shape, including a larger backlight spoiler, no improvements were made, suggesting that the side profile, in particular, was well optimised”
I think the above picture is from models that they tried to test to improve the upper shape. I have seen these pictures in a couple sources, and now I understand why the improvement of the modifications has never been told. Source of picture:
In the Sustanable Vehicle Technologies the effect of each modification made in the study by Hussain Ali is quantified. I'm always happy to see numbers instead of just a graph.
The original study by Hussain Ali. Vekke linked it above, but I’ll link the source again because it’s connected to the above picture.
Session 4 - 1 - Hussain Ali - Drag Reduction on a Production Vehicle
Seems like the post became long, and now I forgot what I was really going to write about.
I don't know how much I'll modify the car yet. I'll start by adjusting the intakes when I get the scangauge and next I'll be making the underbody flat and installing smaller mirrors. I'm happy about the information that I don't necessarily need to lower the car to make it more aero, because I need the ground clearance especially in winter time.