Originally Posted by Cd
Where would you guys suggest looking* for information on what to think aboat when buying land and such when you are thinking of building or buying a tiny home ?
My sister found me a wonderful plot of land - 3.7 acres, hilly views, a tiny creek, privacy from neighbors, and starry nights.
It's just out of what i can afford, but what if i could ?
What are things to think of and watch for ? Obviously flood plain areas and such, but what else ?
(* any web sites or search terms you could suggest ? )
Local Zoning laws.
There are several counties in NC that regulate the minimum square footage of your build so that you honestly
can't build a small or tiny house. If I had the time and money to build one from scratch, I would be placing my creation on a trailer in order to get it classified as an RV and bypass those regulations...but then of course you need to comply with RV regulations instead, and in most parts of NC you can only set up an RV for non-mobile use in properly-zoned RV parks...etc etc.
(For the record they are just as Anal concerning full-sized dwellings. My Dad and his fellow parishioners wanted to add a lift to the local Church for the more disabled attendees-with their collective knowledge of building and electrics plus volunteer labor, they estimated $ 3000 or so...by the time Johnston County was done estimating multiple inspections, licensing etc the estimate had swollen to $120000.

These were the same idiots who refused to let me get a composting toilet for the bathroom because "we don't know what that is and don't have a code for it"...
idiots. One of the many, many reasons I sold my house and changed counties...)
Back to
your question though-check your local ordinances before building/placing. Some states will let you build small permanent dwellings as 'guest houses', some will only let you place trailered versions on 'trailer parks', some will let you build them as 'non-permanent residences' (can only stay in them 20 out of 30 days a month), some will let you put them up as 'temporary' (somewhere to crash as a prelude to building a 'real' house) and some states don't care what you build on your own land at all.
If you are lucky enough to live in a state that lets you do what you want with the land you supposedly own-do you have access to power, water and septic? Do you even want access? A few batteries, some solar panels and a few small wind generators and you're off the Grid...does that small creek flow all year? You have access to cheap hydropower, refridgeration (seal in airtight container and submerge) and washing water. Do you want a disposable toilet, outhouse or a septic service? Do you want a tiny electric heater or propane? Do you want 144V with a converter from battery, a direct 144V plug-in to Utilities or go 12V all the way (with Marine appliances all the way)? Piped water for drinking, local well, rain catcher, or just a big barrel you fill from the creek and sterilize and filter?
If you're thinking of something permanent (of any size) i'd draw up a rough guide of what you want first, contact your regional Planning Commission and let them red-pen your plans so you know what you can legally do in your state, Then-unless you take the Outlaw option-you can forge ahead with your plans...
Of course, nothing is stopping you from building a Tiny House trailer, camping out on the land while you actually decide what you want and then sell the trailer later!