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Old 08-10-2015, 09:41 PM   #104 (permalink)
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( Which I'm sure it already is 'illegal' somewhere to live in a tent !)
Pretty much everywhere except BLM land. Especially in urban areas or protest sites. Build on a school bus and it's the DMV. Build on a barge and it's the Coast Guard.

For a counterpoint consider RBFuller's Dymaxion (delivered by airship) or the Dyodon:

The link is a good introduction to the radical politics of inflatables, Archigram and Ant Farm. Recommended.

The inflatable moment: pneumatics and protest in ’68:

The Utopie architects drew on technical and aesthetics sources as diverse as Buckminster Fuller, research by the American military, the London group Archigram, and American comic books, and were inspired by the political and philosophical writings of Henri Lefevre. In their work they presented a vision for a built world in which buoyancy, ephemerality and mobility would replace the inertia and represion that they believed characterized the architectural urbanism of the postwar.
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