Originally Posted by a8ksh4
I didn't realize they were made of aluminum. That does present some additional challenge.  Insulators at junctions and bonding rather than welding... maybe...I agree about not wanting to mess up the frame... It'd be a shame to do this to anything but a beater, at least to start with.
having been hit by a semi in one of my first-gens, i can tell you first hand: a) you don't want to mess with the structure at all. Honda is not kidding when they say that even the spare tire is an integral part of the space frame, and that the passenger cage is as safe if not safer than NASCAR specs, as long as the frame is fully intact and the spare tire is torqued in place.
is your goal to carry more stuff, carry more people, or to be able to "camp" in such a vehicle? if more stuff, it is easy enough to put together a lightweight trailer using one of those aerodynamic rooftop carriers for SUVs. if more people - just one more? are they small? we've done 200+ mile road trips with a smaller adult in the hatch area, she finds it comfortable. finally, if to camp /carry stuff - get a metro. what i miss most about my metros was the one i had just the driver's seat in, and the rest was a flat platform. i could carry quite a bit of gear AND sleep in it. i don't miss the rust, the the lower fuel economy, the noise, and the lack of AC.