I found two places advertising more than twice what I had been told I could earn in my currently-chosen line of work. One said that they would not consider anyone for an interview unless they had a license and three other documents--basically, everything they needed to start working immediately. The other one did not give many details, so I sent an e-mail, and was asked to submit my résumé.
I really do not like writing résumés, but for 133% more money I am motivated.
However, I did not get very far, so I e-mailed my sisters and mother, and after weeks, one just got back to me. It seems like her largest issue is how I write dates.
As I understand it, in the English-speaking world, we write 1,234.56, in much of the rest of the world, they write 1.234.56, and in Candy Crush they write 1 234
However, nobody seems to use commas when writing years. I thought that I was taught to only use it for two thousand or more, but when I have tried to find rules, I have not been able to find anything.
Searching for "2,015" yields billions of results, each of them having "2015," without a comma, even though I had it in quotes.
Am I remembering wrong?
Was my teacher mistaken?
Does anyone even know how to verify this?
Thanks so much! Please enjoy your day!