Originally Posted by freebeard
It's all structured to protect a rentier class.
You can't build what you want because it needs to be seizable and resellable by a banker.
And of course the whole idea behind a DIY Tiny House or RV is to get it built without recourse to Banks whenever possible, which is the
real reason for all-inclusive laws rather than a simple loan condition or Term of Lending by the issuer. After all, where would Banks be if most people could live as they choose without
needing a mortgage?
Then there are all the Contractors who would be out of work, likewise builders, bricklayers, plumbers...oh, and those more wealthy Homeowners who went into debt getting their Dream House and don't want to see those
trailers spoiling the view...
In a world ruled by men(rather than sprawling imaginary fiction-suits with legal standing which use human bodies as the cells of its unnatural flesh)I could see the following simple guidelines work just fine for the United States:
1) Draw up some preliminary sketches and a tentative list of materials for submission and let the County planners take a look-if they don't think it is safe you can build it anyway, but Insurers have the right to refuse Policy and likewise Loan Agencies can set Terms of Lending.
2) Is there a method to dispose of human waste? If not, is there a strong possibility of environmental contamination/health hazard? This will affect others than yourself.
3) Do you own the land? If not, is the owner okay with that and willing to document his attestation?
4) Do you desire water and electricity? If so, do you want some certified installers/inspectors to assist? If not, you might not be insurable...have you taken local conditions into account? We can help you with that-your taxes have already paid for us after all...
Using these simple guidelines, a person could build anything they want as long as Code 2 is given proper due (as it affects others). Now i'm not saying that Child Protective Services might not wish to conduct a quick look-see if you move your young children into an unpowered shack with an outhouse and no running water or insulation, it would likely be uninsurable and ineligible for a bank loan and you would need to fully disclose any all information on the building to prospective buyers...
But it would be yours, you could live in it and it would be paid for. It was good enough for Henry David Thoreau dang it, why can't it be good enough for
us if we want that option?