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Old 08-19-2015, 12:40 AM   #5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by UltArc View Post
That's a good looking truck. I love when ecomods look good, and when non Eco vehicles get modded. What was the test like? I mean, was there traffic? Did you do both directions and average? Any change in temp? Anything that may have influenced it? ABBA seems like a decent way to test, but I still prefer ABABA myself.
Perfect weather, 2mph from the south. I selected a section of 288 that was almost perfectly North-South with a 5-6 mile run without overpasses. It was a Sunday night a week ago, so traffic was minimal. Still, when there was traffic, I didn't make a run until I thought that if I did catch the car in front that I'd still be at least 10 car lengths behind when I popped into neutral.

Made 3 coast downs north, and three south. Took the lid off and repeated that twice more. Put the lid back on and did the north/south runs once more.

Also, I did go thru and screenshot the before and after weather and there was no significant change in pressure or wind direction/speed. When I got out to take the lid off and replace it I can tell you there was no air movement at all both times. And each time I got out of the truck my glasses fogged over immediately.

And I really can't think of anything that could have changed the test parameters that much, which is really, really disappointing. The thing took 7 or 8 builds to get right; it's durable, safe (didn't rip off at over 100mph), and shows no signs of wear, warpage, or photodegredation. It kinda hurts to think that I can't get a test to show SOME positive results.

I even considered just ripping the damned thing off. I figured even a 5% drag reduction should show something, even accounting for the human (I can't hear, she can't see, and we both love to fight) error. Glad I didn't though, I think that San Antonio trip at least shows I'm on the right track. I guess I'm going to have to do the test again.

Oh, and thank you. That's a very kind thing to say considering my own kids think that it looks funny (the manky little heathens just don't understand art).

Last edited by drrbc; 08-19-2015 at 12:51 AM.. Reason: can't spell for beans, going insane
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