A little update... the shenanigans at the pump continue. I got 60c/gallon off this month. Disappointing. I'll have to be more on my game next month. But, I've saved about $80 now, so the gas cans are paid for and it's pure profit from here on out.
I'm also trying to drive less in the spirit of Mustachianism. Hopefully I'll make it through September on one 15.6 gallon tank.
Lifetime fuel cost is 4.7c/mile.
I'm contemplating another storage tank for E85 because I've read that modern engines can handle up to 20% ethanol. Ethanol is dirt cheap and I'm guessing a small quantity won't hurt mileage much because of the timing advance. I would blend the ethanol with gas at home.
Would the ethanol shenanigans be worthwhile? Prob not, but I like the concept of ethanol and fu** gasoline.
2024 Chevy Bolt
2015 Nissan Leaf S, 164 mpge
Last edited by ME_Andy; 08-24-2015 at 09:34 PM..