I finally got back into the garage and set up properly with the AC controller, battery pack, motor and laptop.
I have some video and some pictures of the setup. When I get it edited and posted it should be detailed enough to remind me how to set it up. If anyone stays awake until the end, and it's not detailed enough for you to follow, let me know
New results for Paul with Kp-id 2000, Ki-id starting at 0 and going through 2,4,6,8,10,15,20,30,40,50,75,100,125,150,175,200
Log files start at 110 and go up to 127. Looks like I should have stepped Kp-id up from 10 to 20 in increments of 1 instead of increments of 5?
Pack is about 126V, so the controller sagging below 40VDC during the test should no longer be a problem.
The updates should be coming regularly again.