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Old 08-27-2015, 09:39 PM   #19 (permalink)
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There is no sound in a vacuum, but if there's a nearby explosion, with a cloud of expanding gases and debris, you should be hearing some sort of percussive effect, as well as the pinging from debris impacts.


I can't watch Transformers at all. But it's not (just) due to the bad science (and nonsensical plots), it's because they don't work hard enough to suspend my disbelief.


I can accept Iron Man. I can accept a movie with a basically silly premise, unrealistic exo-suits and superpowered bad guys. (Even if they do call an aircraft crash an "unfortunate training exercise" ). Simply because they follow an internal set of fantasy rules pretty rigidly, and because the pacing and dialogue keep you from focusing too much on what's happening in the background.


In Transformers, you can't suspend your disbelief, because the fantasy rules and physics they play by change at the drop of a pin. You can have a robot who's merely torn in half pronounced irrevocably dead, whereas one whose legs are blown completely off is repaired, another whose "heart" is cut out of his chest is revived, and another whose entire torso is blown open rises from the dead... and does so again after his head is cut off.

And don't get me started about missing mass... about how robots which can reconfigure themselves on a molecular level should be able to heal "injuries" instantly... or about how a China-only bank ends up in the middle of a US city...
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