Originally Posted by freebeard
So what do you think about that observation? Weren't you doing do-nuts in the snow once or am I projecting? My impression is most of the bug-squashing has to do with pitching oscillations.
Yes, last year during my Thanksgiving run up to Iowa City, IA...there was significant snow on the ground and I was doing donuts in it.
I didn't notice any significant amount of oversteer when making donuts in the snow. As a matter of fact, I haven't noticed any amount of steering inputs from Dark Aero at all when making turns. With the single castor wheel pivoting in the direction of travel, it really can't make a significant amount of force on the rear or front of the tow vehicle as the wheel is only following the applied force and not influencing that directional force.
Now if the castor wheel was a driving wheel or there was a significant amount of mass in the trailer, I could see how it could possibly influence in some way.