Originally Posted by jamesqf
My former co-workers, electric power systems engineers Heidi, Gail, Carolyn, and Karen, would strongly object to that stereotype :-)
You know, people have never been very accepting of women with facial hair!
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
High voltage DC lines are typically over head.
Capacitance is why all long distance lines are above ground. If they were under ground the wire insulation would absorb so much energy on a 750kv, 60Hz system that only after 25 or 26 miles no power would make it to the other side of the line. The lines capacitance would equal the transmission capacity at that distance.
When I was a kid, we moved into a house that had an electrical tower over the back fence. Dad once said they needed to bury the lines and I thought that it would be prohibitively expensive, but he objected to kids periodically climbing a 125-foot tower.
I guess that it was not just unlikely, but impossible.