Originally Posted by deejaaa
that trailer jack is a great idea.
It got a good work out when I was installing the wheel pant on.
As a matter of fact, I got a chance to replace the tire tonight in the dark with a flashlight as my only light source as the tire repair plug I installed on the previous tire didn't hold. It took me about 30 minutes to completely change out the tire with a new one. I spent more time trying to align the axle so I could slip it in between the fork than I wanted to. The wheel pant came off as one piece exactly like I expected it to without any issues. I guess I learned a lot from the previous versions.
I do find it interesting that NONE of the current companies producing a single wheel trailer has an emergency solution to jack up the trailer with it loaded with gear. All the ones I've contacted told me to unload the trailer and then use a jack of my choice to jack the trailer up. Maybe they will implement something like my solution.