There are multiple ways to mod your car to maximize mpg, but there are slight problems that keep a lot of us from doing them;
A: the mod looks hideous!
B: the mod requires a custom body shop pro to make it look right!
C: the cost to make it look right will never be rationalized by the mpg gain!
So I thought this thread would be good for those people who want easy, reasonably cheap ecomods that actually don't hurt, and may actually help the look of your car!
To start off; I got the idea for this thread when I saw a Nissan Altima coupe with a custom chrome grille; it looked like a solid chrome piece with round holes drilled in rows in it, and appeared to lower the amount of air allowed to enter!
I thought, "That actually looks cool! why couldn't Ecomodders do something like that instead of blocking off one side of the grille?" And I had just got some of these: off of eBay, I plan on 'patching the holes' with black coroplast to create a "better looking than original' smooth wheel cover!
There are some ecomods that are known to be easy and look good; gap filling with foam weatherstripping, clear covers over bucket style headlights, then there are things like the belly pan that can't be seen, but there are others that are not easy to make look good, please try to find a way!