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Old 09-06-2015, 06:52 PM   #21 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Rooivalk1 View Post
Something like a Dymaxion car?
Not exactly. As you might remember, the Piaggio Ape is a conventional trike, with one steerable front wheel and 2 driven rear wheels, while the Dymaxion is a "reverse trike" in spite of having its rear wheel steerable and the front wheels were driven and non-steerable. Also, the Dymaxion was kinda fancy with its rear-mounted V8 engine.

This is an Indian-made licensed copy of the early Piaggio Ape.

This is an Innocenti Lambro

This is a random Chinese 3-wheeled pick-up truck (or "bakkie" as you South Africans say) that I spotted last year in Uruguay, fitted with a water-cooled single-cylinder 200cc engine

I was thinking about something conceptually similar to these ones, but with 5 seats (one centrally-mounted for the driver to reduce the frontal drag, and 2 rows with 2 seats on each behind the cockpit, probably retractible jump-seats to save space and allow an occasional usage of the vehicle for light cargo hauling) and some luggage space, driven by a single-cylinder engine between 250 to 600cc, intended to provide a reasonable overall performance not just in city but also on roadways, as it would be intended to be an alternative to a small car such as a Chevy Spark.

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