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Old 09-07-2015, 03:01 PM   #245 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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MisFit Talon - '91 Eagle Talon TSi
Team Turbocharged!
90 day: 63.95 mpg (US)

Warlock - '71 Chevy Camaro

Fe Eclipse - '97 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS
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Originally Posted by BabyDiesel View Post
Man, things are getting slow around here! I miss getting e-mails from all my subscribed threads Anyhow, here is a quick update on my project!

I am still dragging my feet when it comes to getting lean burn working! Since I am off work tomorrow for Labor Day, it would be an excellent opportunity to trace wires and re-solder connections. I am constantly dreaming of having instant mpg readouts in the 80's while cruising, and this will be my motivation! I must... be... focused!

I got a new license plate!

Amazing how it fits the car, even though the letters are blue

Here are some pictures of more notable trips I have had the past week:

The top trips was from tonight. It was a roughly 10 mile drive through 2 towns from a Sheetz to my house. I caught 2 stoplights, but was able to take advantage of having open roads with zero traffic to trip lights and get in my way (or for me to be in their way?)

The bottom picture is a very familiar route from the local McDonald's to my house, which is just under 4 miles. This might not seem impressive, however I usually average in the 60's to MAYBE low 70's on a good day. Needless to say that this is big improvement! It is worth mentioning that I had to stop at a stop sign on this route too.

That is 148.4% and 247.6% over my car's EPA combined mpg respectively Just goes to show you that you should not let your car's supposed setbacks (Auto transmission, high mileage, non-LRR tires, etc.) hinder you from giving it your all each time you go out on the road!

My tank is at 53.0 mpg right this moment, which will be my best ever if I can hold it steady and keep knocking down the consistent trips I have.
Very nice results!!!

I Love your comment about not letting poor FE manufacturing items getting in your way. You just have to work with what you have and concentrate on the improvements you can make to offset those poor items.

OK now go get your lean burn up and running
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The Positive Side of the Number Line

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