Originally Posted by sqidd
Looks right.
There is the argument that it doesn't get 60mpg (guessing here, I don't feel like searching) because you're burning waste solvent. Gallons of waste solvent.
But there is also the argument that the solvent is free. If, for example you managed to figure out how to make the motor run on a 50/50 ratio of pond water/gas would you have to factor the pond water in? I wouldn't think so, you don't have to pay for it.
At the end of the day it comes down to $$$/mi. And you're doing really well with that.
This is where the conversations get interesting. I was talking with some friends this weekend about this and it was a even split on how it should be calculated. Then after everyone settle down I threw out what if I get a State Licenses to pick up waste solvent and have it incinerated with my engine, that will be giving off better emission then what the States incinerator uses and less then or equal to what a stock 1991 Talon Emissions are out tail pipe? Then I do what the Body Shops are doing and charge for hazardous waste removal??? Could I get down to .001 cents per mile?
Of course this isn't going to happen but it was food for thought.