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Old 09-09-2015, 01:45 PM   #1960 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes View Post
Oh heck, I'll add "config" and "settings" and we can go from there. I'll automatically save the best rotor time constant once it's found. The command is
rotor-time-constant-index 13
(or whatever number) For example, if you got these results from the test:


You would type
rotor-time-constant-index 4

Since the 4th one was the best (starting at 0).

Whenever I try to do too many weird things nothing gets done. You are keeping me honest! haha. We'll go for full automation later.
I guess I should have read all of your posts before replying

rotor-time-constant-index 4 sounds good .. but what would it show when you type in "config"?
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