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Old 09-09-2015, 03:31 PM   #1963 (permalink)
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I think in the ACIM case, the model isn't perfect for trying to track the rotor flux angle, so there is always some error in the feedback for Id and Iq. It may be that under dynamic situations that Id and Iq feedback get grossly pushed away from what they are being commanded to be, and maybe then it's like trying to hit a rapidly moving target while gently pushing them back to where they should be. Like a classroom of psycho kindergarteners, with a teacher that's 120 years old, and moves in slow motion. haha. This is actually a really interesting question. I don't know if Id and Iq really are that badly behaved, constantly needing a good smack upside the head to keep them from rapidly leaving their assigned post. The way I see it though is, with a perfectly tuned PI loop, you have perfect control of torque, so you can make the pump start up as gently as you want, or if you want to be all crazy, you can go from 0 to 75amp in < 0.002 seconds with no overshoot. That's how fast thingstodo's PI loop is tuned for now. I think he will beat a tesla off the line with that response. Or he will have to get a new transmission. lol
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