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Old 09-10-2015, 11:16 AM   #8 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Scotland
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Had a lot of trouble with the oil collection companies poaching my suppliers.
They lie to them saying that it is illegal to give there oil to me or threaten to blacklist them and say if I don't turn up one week then they won't be able to get anyone else to collect there oil. Some of them are actually part of the oil supply companies and they say they will charge a highrler price if they don't collect the used oil too.

I have tried paying a little for the oil but they always start to get greasy, they look at eBay and expect me to pay about £0.80 litre for a tub of solid fats and water.

There is also a few guys collecting just to sell on eBay which really annoys me.
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