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Old 09-11-2015, 01:09 AM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2015
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Thanks for the response, apology retracted... Though driving it into a lake would be fun if I was drunk but on second thought not very ECO frendly....

So In essence the effect of this mod would be a noisier more muscley sounding ford tempo, a possible fixit ticket, but possibly better acceleration when going onto the highway?

I do plan on trying it, what should I use to fabricate replacement tubing? PVC? Dryer ducting? I don't want to destroy the original part and the wreckers are far away from where I live.

I will fill my tank up at the station start my test on the highway using cruise control at night and give that thread a read before doing so. Thanks again for the time and advice.

I guess the reason I felt I had to apologize for my car is I am CANADIAN!!!! HAR HAR
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