Originally Posted by e*clipse
I definitely DON'T want to load Paul up with a whole bunch of extra stuff. 
So, would it be possible to make this an add-on shell to the core motor controller? (I'm just thinking aloud here) This shell would know where to look in the core motor controller for parameters and translate them to the protocol needed for the CAN bus.
If these parameters were translated in such a way that OBDII readers like the scanguage or EVTV's device could use them, then making a device to look at this data would be easy - already done! 
Perhaps, in the spirit of open source stuff, this function/part could be done by another group? Again, if it just reads data, it won't matter too much if it's done at the same time and there's little danger of the translator messing up the core function.
If the serial stream was done similar to the Cougar controller, it would be quite straight forward to read that serial data with a separate controller and stream it out on CANbus. I have not seen a library for OBDII codes .. but I have not looked for one as yet. Since it would be a separate controller, adding a bluetooth interface would not burden the controller, either.
To disallow CANbus control may limit functionality. There are a *LOT* of CANbus enabled things on a modern car.
It may make sense to keep the AC controller clean and use an add-on controller with a hard-wired interface to the AC controller ... to deal with the dual-element hall effect throttle, inertia switch/collision detection/air bag deployment, driving the reverse lights, interfacing to the brake pressure transducer (for regen braking), interlocks for forward/reverse switching (ie pressing the brake and having the speed drop below 2 mph), and the hundred other things that would be nice but may cause the AC controller to get distracted from running the AC motor?