Well, I've got my baseline. You can tell you are an ecomodder when you can't wait to fill up to see how well you did. This was my first full to empty tank and also the first since I cleared the sensor issue. I think it's a good baseline to start from. I was thinking my tank was bigger, but it must be around 11 gallons. My trip was at 437.6 and it clicked off at 10.7 gallons for a new record of 40.8 mpg.
Next up on the agenda is new tires, which have already been delivered to my buddies house. I'm going to skip the tire store this time around and mount and balance them myself. I'm the tires I got were General Altimax RT43's. I'm pretty sure they are rated to 44 psi. I can't decide if I will want to higher than that, but they are well rated for rain, which we get a lot of here in the valley. They are also going to end up being around $60 each after rebates.
Next I think I'm going to try and scrounge up an android so I can run torque for a gauge. I like torque because it can show air/fuel ratio among other things. Or is that falls through, I'll have my friend design a circuit that will be the equivalent of a lean burn indicator.
After that, I think I'm going to try and get a EOC switch wired up. I'm still not sure if it's better to continually bump start it, or use the starter more. It's a matter or wear on the starter or wear on the clutch. Anyone want to chime in on that one?