White is the plan, sometime when I have time to get a brush out. I want to be sure it is protected from UV. That may not be a problem though, since black ABS is supposed to be OK for that. But I don't know how well stabilized it is. I recently primed and painted some rusty spots in my spare tire well and behind the rear bumper, so I have the paint on hand.
Note in the second to last photo that I have added some white foam weatherstripping in the gap below the lip of the hood. The gap was over 1/4", with airflow passing directly into the engine bay. With this gap filling, the upper grille block and an eventual more permanent (than before) air block for most of the lower grille, I am trying to reduce warm-up time. That is key for getting to low idle RPMs quickly, for maximized mileage when pulse and gliding on short trips around town.