If you read the mods list above you my come to the conclusion that getting more heat into the engine and removing all external loads like regen and 12 volt power drains is the key to getting the engine to stay in Lean Burn almost 100 percent of the time.
This little 3 cylinder engine is extremely efficient when in lean burn, but will not stay there unless the water and oil temps are above 160 degrees and the intake air is above 120 degrees. The computer also seems to need to see outside air above 80 degrees. I think a lot of this is because Honda was trying to keep the NOX as low as possible when the engine is in lean burn.
So I found that by getting to these temps or "spoofing" the sensors to think the temps are this high is one of the main keys to constant lean burn.
I am also grid charging the IMA and the 12 volt LIPO4 battery each night and when I get to the shop in order to take as many outside loads as possible from the engine so it can use all of its limited power to move the car.
I use the MIMA/PIMA IMA system to turn off all regen and assist unless I use the joystick to manually apply it when needing to climb hills without leaving lean burn.
I still have a lot to learn about the most efficient way to get increased MPGs from the Insight, but think I am going in the right direction.