So my friend has this carbon fiber roll that he has to keep in the fridge. Basically, when you take it out you have a few minutes to cut it to size, wrap it, lay it, whatever you want, and then heat it with a heat gun to harden it completely. I was trying to find out where he got it from, but he's really busy and I don't live next door anymore so it's hard to keep in touch.
Anyways, I was thinking of making flat undertrays by fastening it in between the frame rails of a car with large rivets or bolts or something, then I realized that I could probably just use heavy duty fabric.
Why couldn't I use some fire proof canvas or fiberglass cloth and make a whole undertray? By stretching the fabric tight and bolting or by making wedges to pinch it along the edges it should be strong enough to not flap in the wind.
I know isn't 100% air tight, but it's also not 100% "heat tight" so it may be a good compromise between ventilating transmissions and exhausts and not letting air get all turbulent underneath the vehicle.
Another Idea I had was to make the thing, then coat it in resin with a brush, a few layers to firm it up. then I would be able to cut out or louver it in areas that need venting. it would also retain it's shape when taken off of the vehicle that way