Originally Posted by TheEnemy
...while the fluid draw on a stalled hydraulic is near 0. And hydraulic also produced max torque at 0RPM.
Hydraulic is a good choice if driven by an ICE, plenty of construction/mining/etc equipment uses it. Has its advantages.
Originally Posted by TheEnemy
As far as an accumulator, yes you would need one, otherwise there would be little point in converting to hydraulic asside from the torque advantage. Also regen would be usefull particularly when you are going down a long steep slope.
hydraulic accumulators have good power density, but the energy density is horrible. start and stop seems to be about the practical limit, and on bus-sized vehicles. Long descents or expecting it to help on a serious climb, or make much difference in 30mph for 30 min is probably in dreamland.
I guess I'm wondering what the point is myself. gasoline/diesel have terrific power and energy density, exactly what a rock crawler needs. And if it is trailered everywhere the efficiency isn't a concern.
The main focus of the hybrid stuff is to save fuel. It always adds weight and complexity (both bad for a machine that occasionally tumbles over).
I imagine if you ever get to the number crunching phase, you'll see that there isn't much difference how you do 30mph for 30 min, it still takes about the same amount of energy. And for that application I'd trade gas for batteries/accumulators any day.
When you compare the cost of implementation, and the hit in performance due to the extra weight, and compare that to the fuel you saved with a bit of regen, let me know