Originally Posted by BabyDiesel
I am hoping that it will have a big improvement! I have lean burn now, so that changes everything about loading the engine. I am seeing 10-15% greater loading on the engine at cruising speeds (40-50 mph) when I have lean on rather than off.
The rear of my car is far from optimized and much less so than Darin's Civic. With the quick sloping glass (24 degrees) and roundedness of the sides, there is much to be gained IMO. However, I will not know till I get there due to the CivicTail dilemma
Here is a quick mockup of what theoutline of the tail will look like. I increased the length to 90% of the template by adding a 3rd-gen Prii style extension on the end. I figured "Why not?"

If you'll add rear wheel skirts,I don't see how you wouldn't come in below 0.25.The CRX indicated 0.235 according to GM.