Originally Posted by BabyDiesel
I remember seeing your thread about excessive oil consumption with your truck. That seals the deal for me lol. You bring up a good point about intake flow. Everything is sized for a 2.0 I4. Dropping 2 cylinders for would make everything wayyy too big and flow would more than likely suffer.
I was reading your thread on d-series about your 64.8 mpg testing run  that's what I want! Only better  I will aim for reducing displacement through cam timing. My C.R. should be fine if you good with 9.5:1.
Were you running a Holset 351 off of a 5.9 Cummins on the Del Sol?
The Del Sol had a few different turbos. The Holset was the last one I tested.
The Del Sol had a terrible Cd and I was going to do a full boat tail but ended up selling it to buy my new house. Its funny how life gets in the way.lol