I'm sorry Doax, but I cannot support your product any longer unless you update it to make it more safe. It almost got my boyfriend and I killed on the freeway today.
I was on the way home from the fair climbing a 6% grade and I was coming up on a truck ~70mph in the slow lane and I decided to go into the lane next to it, which was also occupied by a truck. I go to press the clutch button to turn back on my IMA system and I instantly lose power. I now have a semi barreling up behind me at 55+mph that's pissed because I just cut in front of him, not realizing my car is dead and I have NO IMA SYSTEM to help me move out of the freaking way. I flipped on my hazards and luckily he was paying attention and went into the fast lane, avoiding me and the truck in the right lane had passed and luckily nobody was behind him, so I moved into the E-Lane and ripped my shifter out as fast and hard as I could.
It appears the wiring got cut/damaged by the shifter rod and the hot from my injectors grounded to the clutch signal, causing it to get stuck thinking the clutch was pushed in, so no assist, and it was grounded to that, so it flipped the relay, cutting the power off to my injectors. IMO this was a freak accident, and I wouldn't be as bothered with it if only I was in the car, but my other half was in the car and his life was put in danger because of this design flaw.
Here is some pics.