I am surprised no one has come up with intelligent traffic lights yet than can look down the approach lanes with cameras and use image recognition software that would manage the lights to attempt to get cars through without stopping. There is nothing more frustrating that coming up on a deserted intersection and have your light turn red just before you get there even though nothing is coming the other way. Such a system would be very simple to design and save an enormous amount of energy and time. It would also save lives as it would reduce the number of people trying to "beat" a light.
If I were in charge, I would program it so that people approaching at wreckless speeds would have the light purposely go red on them. I would publicize this feature. The result would be people slowing to responsible speeds as they approach intersections. And there would be a whole lot less sitting at lights burning fuel, time and their patience.
The technolgy to do this has existed for a long time. Yet, we continue to use a braindead, expensive system that relies on digging up roads to bury sensors which don't change the light until after you have already stopped.