This is sort of a natural evolution of the car. As more cars crowd our roads, we've had to find ways to increase safety. Until now it has all been focused on the car itself, when the driver is the problem. People like to claim that we can resolve at least some of this by tightening drivers ed/licensing requirements, but that's simply not feasible in America. In a country that shuns public transportation and does all it can to force everyone to purchase a car, you can't just start cutting up people's licenses. Even if you try, those people will drive anyway so they can survive.
So in some respects, we've kind of forced ourselves into self-driving cars.
That said, we all suck at driving. Human beings get distracted, tired, and angry. And as much as we like to pretend that we like driving, it really isn't great 99% of the time.
I look forward to self-driving cars. If/when I need to control the wheel I'll hit up the local go-kart track.