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Old 10-07-2015, 06:06 PM   #69 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Turbocharged scooter?

50cc's at highway speeds? I can see a transmission meltdown.

But there are ways to increase HP and MPG.

There is an interesting pamphlet from titled "Why 200 MPG is Possible". The higher the compression the higher the burn rate goes up exponentially. the problem is in the fuel (gasoline) which is made up of over 20 different fuels from one hydrocarbon in the chain to over 20 hydrocarbons. Guess which one vaporizes first causing vapor lock. There is a device similar to what the gas refineries use that will now fit in your car that will convert the gas to one hydrocarbon, the outcome of which somehow gives you more gas but with only one hydrocarbon. But it is piss poor mileage in low compression engines.

You can also increase the air flow into the engine by doing something that Leepu and Pitbull did on the History Channel, and that is to carefully bore out the intake and exhaust ports, which I would not have though about.

Something to think about.
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