I had a really honest dentist that installed a temporary crown on my molar.
It just now chipped after over two years, and saved me
$ 400 out of pocket.
I have had $ 500 'permanent' crowns last less time than that !
When I requested my new dentist ( the other one retired ) just install another temporary crown, he refused, saying he wouldn't do it because "it was not something he did."
I called three others, and no other dentists will install a temporary crown.
For those of you that have dentists in the family. or are perhaps dentist yourself, why am I being refused when i ask for a temporary crown ?
I realize that there is a risk of the temporary crown cracking within a very short time, but at a savings of $ 400, I'm willing to take that risk.
The temporary crown looked and felt the same as a permanent.
So what's the deal? Are dentists just B.S.ing me to get the extra $ 400 ?
It's not like I can just
not come back for the permanent crown now that I have the temporary that they installed today, since they have me pay for the full crown before i even sit down.
I did look online for this question, and all i get is advice from dentists.
Of course a dentist will tell you that you NEED something that keeps them in business.
Now to keep this on topic ( cars ), but not stray too far from the main topic of this particular thread, here is a car with um...teeth

That is my car, and I go in for inspection this month. I'm hoping to not have to remove the teeth ( air dam ) and wheel covers.